nefzger dot at

Tools & utilities:


ed is short for encoder-decoder. ed is a utility for the Win32-CLI, written in Delphi 32 bit, developed with Delphi 5. ed is is for encoding (binary) and decoding (text) data, respectivly. BASE64-, UU-, UU-space- and XX-coding is fully supported. BinHex-coding is not available by now, but this may be added in a future release of ed. Clipboard support (for text, not for binary) is built in. A wrapper for Win32-GUI is also available.


nf is short for n-factorial (n!). nf is a utility for the Win32-CLI, written in Delphi 32 bit, developed with Delphi 5. nf is for calculating the exact value of n! up to 2^20 (1,048,576). A wrapper for Win32-GUI is also available. Beware: calculating factorials >= 25.000 can take a considerable amount of time, even on modern hardware: e.g. calculating 100,000! (a number with 456,574 digits) takes about 23:46 [mm:ss] on a Intel P4 @ 1.70 GHz. The predicted runtime to calculate 1,000,000! on the same maschine would take about 51:30:00 [hh:mm:ss].


sv is short for the (famos) sieve of eratosthenes. sv is a utility for the Win32-CLI, written in Delphi 32 bit, developed with Delphi 5. sv is for for calculating primes up to 2^28 (268.435.456).

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Last modified Sun, 06 May 2007 06:33:05 GMT.